

wp widget

Manages widgets, including adding and moving them within sidebars.

A widget adds content and features to a widget area (also called a sidebar).


# List widgets on a given sidebar
$ wp widget list sidebar-1
| name     | id         | position | options              |
| meta     | meta-6     | 1        | {"title":"Meta"}     |
| calendar | calendar-2 | 2        | {"title":"Calendar"} |
# Add a calendar widget to the second position on the sidebar
$ wp widget add calendar sidebar-1 2
Success: Added widget to sidebar.
# Update option(s) associated with a given widget
$ wp widget update calendar-1 --title="Calendar"
Success: Widget updated.
# Delete one or more widgets entirely
$ wp widget delete calendar-2 archive-1
Success: 2 widgets removed from sidebar.
user update