

wp media

Imports files as attachments, regenerates thumbnails, or lists registered image sizes.


# Re-generate all thumbnails, without confirmation.
$ wp media regenerate --yes
Found 3 images to regenerate.
1/3 Regenerated thumbnails for "Sydney Harbor Bridge" (ID 760).
2/3 Regenerated thumbnails for "Boardwalk" (ID 757).
3/3 Regenerated thumbnails for "Sunburst Over River" (ID 756).
Success: Regenerated 3 of 3 images.
# Import a local image and set it to be the featured image for a post.
$ wp media import ~/Downloads/image.png --post_id=123 --title="A downloaded picture" --featured_image
Success: Imported file '/home/person/Downloads/image.png' as attachment ID 1753 and attached to post 123 as featured image.
# List all registered image sizes
$ wp media image-size
| name                      | width | height | crop  |
| full                      |       |        | N/A   |
| twentyfourteen-full-width | 1038  | 576    | hard  |
| large                     | 1024  | 1024   | soft  |
| medium_large              | 768   | 0      | soft  |
| medium                    | 300   | 300    | soft  |
| thumbnail                 | 150   | 150    | hard  |
maintenance-mode status