

wp term

Manages taxonomy terms and term meta, with create, delete, and list commands.

See reference for taxonomies and their terms.


# Create a new term.
$ wp term create category Apple --description="A type of fruit"
Success: Created category 199.
# Get details about a term.
$ wp term get category 199 --format=json --fields=term_id,name,slug,count
# Update an existing term.
$ wp term update category 15 --name=Apple
Success: Term updated.
# Get the term's URL.
$ wp term list post_tag --include=123 --field=url
# Delete post category
$ wp term delete category 15
Success: Deleted category 15.
# Recount posts assigned to each categories and tags
$ wp term recount category post_tag
Success: Updated category term count
Success: Updated post_tag term count
taxonomy list