
Config List

wp config list

Lists variables, constants, and file includes defined in wp-config.php file.


[<filter>...] : Name or partial name to filter the list by.

[--fields=<fields>] : Limit the output to specific fields. Defaults to all fields.

[--format=<format>] : Render output in a particular format. Dotenv is limited to non-object values. --- default: table options:

  • table
  • csv
  • json
  • yaml
  • dotenv ---

[--strict] : Enforce strict matching when a filter is provided.

[--config-file=<path>] : Specify the file path to the config file to be read. Defaults to the root of the WordPress installation and the filename "wp-config.php".


# List constants and variables defined in wp-config.php file.
$ wp config list
| key              | value                                                            | type     |
| table_prefix     | wp_                                                              | variable |
| DB_NAME          | wp_cli_test                                                      | constant |
| DB_USER          | root                                                             | constant |
| DB_PASSWORD      | root                                                             | constant |
| AUTH_KEY         | r6+@shP1yO&amp;$)1gdu.hl[/j;7Zrvmt~o;#WxSsa0mlQOi24j2cR,7i+QM/#7S:o^ | constant |
| SECURE_AUTH_KEY  | iO-z!_m--YH$Tx2tf/&amp;V,YW*13Z_HiRLqi)d?$o-tMdY+82pK$`T.NYW~iTLW;xp | constant |
# List only database user and password from wp-config.php file.
$ wp config list DB_USER DB_PASSWORD --strict
| key              | value | type     |
| DB_USER          | root  | constant |
| DB_PASSWORD      | root  | constant |
# List all salts from wp-config.php file.
$ wp config list _SALT
| key              | value                                                            | type     |
| AUTH_SALT        | n:]Xditk+_7&gt;Qi=>BmtZHiH-6/Ecrvl(V5ceeGP:{&gt;?;BT^=[B3-0&gt;,~F5z$(+Q$ | constant |
| SECURE_AUTH_SALT | ?Z/p|XhDw3w}?c.z%|+BAr|(Iv*H%%U+Du&amp;kKR y?cJOYyRVRBeB[2zF-`(&gt;+LCC | constant |
| LOGGED_IN_SALT   | +$@(1{b~Z~s}Cs&gt;8Y]6[m6~TnoCDpE&gt;O%e75u}&amp;6kUH!&gt;q:7uM4lxbB6[1pa_X,q | constant |
| NONCE_SALT       | _x+F li|QL?0OSQns1_JZ{|Ix3Jleox-71km/gifnyz8kmo=w-;@AE8W,(fP&lt;N}2 | constant |


These global parameters have the same behavior across all commands and affect how WP-CLI interacts with WordPress.

--path=<path>Path to the WordPress files.
--url=<url>Pretend request came from given URL. In multisite, this argument is how the target site is specified.
--ssh=[<scheme>:][<user>@]<host|container>[:<port>][<path>]Perform operation against a remote server over SSH (or a container using scheme of "docker", "docker-compose", "docker-compose-run", "vagrant").
--http=<http>Perform operation against a remote WordPress installation over HTTP.
--user=<id|login|email>Set the WordPress user.
--skip-plugins[=<plugins>]Skip loading all plugins, or a comma-separated list of plugins. Note: mu-plugins are still loaded.
--skip-themes[=<themes>]Skip loading all themes, or a comma-separated list of themes.
--skip-packagesSkip loading all installed packages.
--require=<path>Load PHP file before running the command (may be used more than once).
--exec=<php-code>Execute PHP code before running the command (may be used more than once).
--context=<context>Load WordPress in a given context.
--[no-]colorWhether to colorize the output.
--debug[=<group>]Show all PHP errors and add verbosity to WP-CLI output. Built-in groups include: bootstrap, commandfactory, and help.
--prompt[=<assoc>]Prompt the user to enter values for all command arguments, or a subset specified as comma-separated values.
--quietSuppress informational messages.
config is-true